Parameter Mode | Setup | N/A | Basic or advanced parameter mode for the simulation. |
Current Date | Main/Setup | Basic | Current date in the simulation. This can be "fast forwarded" to a date in the future. Run Setup to configure. |
Retirement Date | Main/Dashboard | Basic | Currently selected retirement date used by the simulation. This can be in the past or future. |
Default Wage Inflation | Main | Basic | Default wage inflation rate used for Social Security wage indexing and employer income extrapolation. This can be overridden for specific years in the Economy sheet (Advanced). |
Default Consumer Price Inflation | Main | Basic | Default consumer price inflation rate used for real to nominal dollar conversion. This can be overridden for specific years in the Economy sheet (Advanced). |
Default Annual Return on Stocks | Main | Basic | Default rate of return on stocks. This can be overridden for specific years in the Economy sheet (Advanced). |
Default Bond Yield | Main | Basic | Default yield on bonds. This can be overridden for specific years in the Economy sheet (Advanced). |
Investment Strategy | Main | Basic | The investment strategy employed by all accounts in the Portfolio. |
Marital Status | Main/Setup | Basic | Marital status. Run Setup to configure. |
Filing Status | Main/Setup | Basic | Tax filing status. Run Setup to configure. |
Initials | Main/Setup | Basic | Initials used to identify and filter on yourself and your spouse in the worksheet. |
Core Account Balance | Main | Basic | This is the core account for all non-retirement funds. Excess income beyond expenses are deposited in this account. |
Core Account Cost Basis | Main | Basic | Core account cost basis. The balance above this portion is subject to income tax. |
Other Appreciating Assets | Main | Advanced | Additional appreciating assets to be added to your Net Worth calculation. |
Additional Retirement Income | Main | Basic | Non-taxable annual income with a payment schedule that begins at your SSRIB Primary Benefits Filing Age. It adjusts for inflation up to that date but not beyond. This can be used to simulate annuity income. |
State, Local, and Foreign Income Taxes | Main | Basic | State/local/foreign tax approximation (presently only state tax supported). This setting can affect whether Social Security benefits are taxed. |
Annuity Payment Terms | Main | Advanced | Life or Period Certain. The annuity is a deferred income annuity until the Retirement Date is reached, at which point the annuitization phase begins. |
Annuity Payment Rate | Main | Advanced | Fixed, Variable, or Indexed. The fixed rate annuity balance can increase or decrease inversely to bond yields, where the variable rate annuity balance does not. The indexed annuity is tied to Annual Return Stocks instead of Bond Yield to determine the Assumed Interest Rate. |
Annuity Inflation Adjusted
| Main | Advanced | Set to TRUE to lower the payments towards the start of the annuitization phase to adjust for inflation. |
Annuity Participation Rate
| Main | Advanced | The participation rate in the underlying index. |
Annuity Rate Ceiling | Main | Advanced | The upper limit on the Assumed Interest Rate. |
Annuity Rate Floor | Main | Advanced | The lower limit on the Assumed Interest Rate. No fees are collected once this limit is reached. |
Annuity Spread Fee | Main | Advanced | All annuity fees are modeled as a simple percentage which is subtracted from the underlying index to determine the Assumed Interest Rate. |
Annuity Survivor Benefit
| Main | Advanced | Set to TRUE to include the spouse (joint and survivor annuity). |
Annuity Guaranteed Term | Main | Advanced | The guaranteed term of the annuity, required for a period certain annuity. A life annuity can optionally have a guaranteed term as well. |
Annuity After Tax Contribution
| Main | Basic | Contribution to annuity balance in after-tax dollars as a flat annual amount which is adjusted for inflation.
Annuity Balance | Main | Basic | Present value of the annuity. |
Annuity Cost Basis
| Main | Basic | Cost basis of the annuity. This determines the taxable portion of annuity payments. |
Debt Limit | Main | Basic | Debt limit. Debt above this limit in a given year results in insolvency for that year. |
Current Debt | Main | Basic | Current debt on the Current Date. |
Interest Rate | Main | Basic | Interest rate on debt. |
Birth Date | Main/Setup | Basic | Birth date. Run Setup to configure. |
Start Work Age | Main/Setup | Basic | Age used to calculate past years in the workforce for Social Security purposes. Run Setup to configure. |
Life Expectancy | Main/Setup | Basic | Life expectancy, which controls number of future years displayed in the simulation. Run Setup to configure. |
Dependents | Main | Basic | Number of dependents for tax purposes. |
Default Annual Increase | Main | Basic | Amount to add or subtract from Default Wage Inflation or Default Consumer Price Inflation to determine personalized annual increase to income (employer, self-employment, or passive). |
DB Pension Start Work Date | Main | Advanced | Start date at current employer to be counted towards DB pension benefit |
DB Pension Final Average Earnings Years Used | Main | Advanced | Number of years included in DB pension FAE calculation |
DB Pension Benefit Percentage | Main | Advanced | Percent of FAE included in DB pension lump sum for each year of eligibility |
DB Pension Payout Option | Main | Advanced | Select a before-tax rollover to the core account (Lump Sum) or the annuity account (Annuity). |
Before-Tax Contribution | Main | Basic | Contribution to retirement account in before-tax dollars, either by percentage of income (employer or self-employment) or flat annual amount (adjusted for inflation). |
Before-Tax Balance | Main | Basic | Balance in retirement account of before-tax dollars on the Current Date |
Company Match | Main | Basic | Company match to retirement account in before-tax dollars as a percentage of income (employer or self-employment). |
After-Tax Contribution | Main | Basic | Contribution to retirement account in after-tax dollars, either by percentage of income (employer or self-employment) or flat annual amount. |
After-Tax Balance | Main | Basic | Balance in retirement account of after-tax dollars on the Current Date |
After-Tax Cost Basis | Main | Basic | Cost basis of retirement account of after-tax dollars on the Current Date |
Qualified Distribution Age | Main | Basic | Age at which qualified distributions can be made from the retirement account. |
Primary Benefits Filing Age | Main | Basic | Age to file for primary Social Security retirement insurance benefits. |
Auxiliary/Survivor Benefits Filing Age | Main | Advanced | Age to file for auxiliary (spousal) or survivor Social Security retirement insurance benefits. |
Adjustment | Main | Advanced | Social Security benefit adjustment. |
Include In Net Worth | Main | Advanced | Set to true to include Social Security benefits in net worth calculations. |
Wage Inflation | Economy | Advanced | Overrides the Default Wage Inflation parameter for specific years. Past inflation rates are shown for informative purposes and are based on the AWI index. |
CP Inflation | Economy | Advanced | Overrides the Default Consumer Price Inflation parameter for specific years. Past inflation rates are shown for informative purposes and are based on the CPI-W index. |
Annual Return Stocks | Economy | Advanced | Overrides the Default Annual Return on Stocks parameter for specific years. Past rates of return are shown for informative purposes and are based on the S&P 500. |
Bond Yield | Economy | Advanced | Overrides the Default Bond Yield parameter for specific years. Past rates of return are shown for informative purposes and are based on the 10-Year Treasury Note. |
Employer Income | Income | Basic | Employer income for a full year of earnings. This amount will be prorated automatically for any transitional year. Past and future income will be extrapolated based on the personalized annual increase. |
Self-Employment Income | Income | Basic | Self-employment income for a full year of earnings. This amount will be prorated automatically for any transitional year. Future income will be extrapolated based on the personalized Default Annual Increase. |
Passive Income | Income | Basic | Passive income for a full year of earnings. Future income will be extrapolated based on the personalized Default Annual Increase. Passive income continues past the Retirement Date. |
Pre-FICA Deductions | Income | Advanced | Pre-FICA deductions. |
Home Value | Expenses | Basic | Value of primary residence. |
Origination Date | Expenses | Basic | Date that the mortgage loan was started. |
Original Balance | Expenses | Basic | Original balance of the mortgage loan. |
Principal Curtailment | Expenses | Advanced | Amount of mortgage loan principal that has been paid down due to extra payments as of the Current Date |
Term | Expenses | Basic | Term of the mortgage loan. |
Interest Rate | Expenses | Basic | Interest rate of the mortgage loan. |
Real Estate Tax | Expenses | Basic | Property tax portion of mortgage payment. |
Home Insurance | Expenses | Basic | Homeowners insurance portion of mortgage payment. |
Extra Payment | Expenses | Advanced | Extra payment to be applied as principal curtailment. Although entered as a monthly amount, it is summed and applied as a single lump sum at the end of the year. |
HECM Origination Date | Expenses | Advanced | Date that the reverse mortgage loan was started. |
HECM Original Balance | Expenses | Advanced | Original balance of the reverse mortgage loan. Enter zero for a future origination date to estimate automatically and generate a lump sum distribution. |
HECM Interest Rate | Expenses | Advanced | Interest rate of the reverse mortgage loan. |
Living Expense | Expenses | Basic | Living expenses applied during the Accumulation Phase and Distribution Phase. |
Tax Deductible | Expenses | Advanced | Tax deductible status of each Living Expense. The 1 and 2 indicate the Retireatee number for tax purposes. |